With the rise of task-specific pre-training objectives, abstractive summarization models like PEGASUS offer appealing zero-shot performance on downstream summarization tasks. However, the performance of such unsupervised models still lags significantly behind their supervised counterparts. Similarly to the supervised setup, we notice a very high variance in quality among summary candidates from these models whereas only one candidate is kept as the summary output. In this paper, we propose to re-rank summary candidates in an unsupervised manner, aiming to close the performance gap between unsupervised and supervised models. Our approach improves the pre-trained unsupervised PEGASUS by 4.37% to 7.27% relative mean ROUGE across four widely-adopted summarization benchmarks, and achieves relative gains of 7.51% (up to 23.73%) averaged over 30 transfer setups.
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对话状态跟踪器是为了跟踪对话中用户目标的设计,是对话系统中的重要组成部分。但是,对话状态跟踪的研究在很大程度上仅限于单形式,其中插槽和老虎机值受知识领域(例如带有餐厅名称和价格范围插槽的餐厅域)的限制,并且由特定的数据库架构定义。在本文中,我们建议将对话状态跟踪的定义扩展到多模式。具体来说,我们介绍了一项新颖的对话状态跟踪任务,以跟踪视频接地对话中提到的视觉对象的信息。每个新的对话说法都可能引入一个新的视频段,新的视觉对象或新对象属性,并且需要一个状态跟踪器来相应地更新这些信息插槽。我们创建了一个新的合成基准测试,并为此任务设计了一个新颖的基线视频 - 底盘变压器网络(VDTN)。 VDTN结合了对象级功能和段级功能,并学习视频和对话之间的上下文依赖性,以生成多模式对话状态。我们为国家生成任务以及一个自我监督的视频理解任务优化了VDTN,该任务恢复了视频段或对象表示。最后,我们培训了VDTN在响应预测任务中使用解码状态。加上全面的消融和定性分析,我们发现了一些有趣的见解,以建立更有能力的多模式对话系统。
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神经模块网络(NMN)在图像接地任务中取得了成功,例如在合成图像上的视觉询问(VQA)。但是,在视频接地的对话任务中已经研究了NMN的非常有限的工作。这些任务通过附加的视觉时间差异和语言交叉转移依赖性扩展了传统视觉任务的复杂性。在最新的NMN方法上,我们介绍了视频接地的神经模块网络(VGNMN),以模拟视频基础语言任务中的信息检索过程,作为神经模块的管道。 VGNMN首先分解对话中的所有语言组件,以明确解决任何实体参考并从问题中检测相应的基于动作的输入。检测到的实体和动作被用作实例化神经模块网络并从视频中提取视觉提示的参数。我们的实验表明,VGNMN可以在充满挑战的视频对话基准以及视频质量质量标准测试中实现有希望的表现。
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Compared to traditional visual question answering, video-grounded dialogues require additional reasoning over dialogue context to answer questions in a multi-turn setting. Previous approaches to video-grounded dialogues mostly use dialogue context as a simple text input without modelling the inherent information flows at the turn level. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of Reasoning Paths in Dialogue Context (PDC). PDC model discovers information flows among dialogue turns through a semantic graph constructed based on lexical components in each question and answer. PDC model then learns to predict reasoning paths over this semantic graph. Our path prediction model predicts a path from the current turn through past dialogue turns that contain additional visual cues to answer the current question. Our reasoning model sequentially processes both visual and textual information through this reasoning path and the propagated features are used to generate the answer. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and provide additional insights on how models use semantic dependencies in a dialogue context to retrieve visual cues.
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Task allocation is an important problem for robot swarms to solve, allowing agents to use reduce task completion time by performing tasks in a distributed fashion. Existing task allocation algorithms often assume prior knowledge of task location and demand or fail to consider the effects of the geometric distribution of tasks on the completion time and communication cost of the algorithms. In this paper, we examine an environment where agents must explore and discover tasks with positive demand and successfully assign themselves to complete all such tasks. We propose two new task allocation algorithms for initially unknown environments -- one based on N-site selection and the other on virtual pheromones. We analyze each algorithm separately and also evaluate the effectiveness of the two algorithms in dense vs. sparse task distributions. Compared to the Levy walk, which has been theorized to be optimal for foraging, our virtual pheromone inspired algorithm is much faster in sparse to medium task densities but is communication and agent intensive. Our site selection inspired algorithm also outperforms Levy walk in sparse task densities and is a less resource-intensive option than our virtual pheromone algorithm for this case. Because the performance of both algorithms relative to random walk is dependent on task density, our results shed light on how task density is important in choosing a task allocation algorithm in initially unknown environments.
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数字化和自动化方面的快速进步导致医疗保健的加速增长,从而产生了新型模型,这些模型正在创造新的渠道,以降低成本。 Metaverse是一项在数字空间中的新兴技术,在医疗保健方面具有巨大的潜力,为患者和医生带来了现实的经验。荟萃分析是多种促成技术的汇合,例如人工智能,虚拟现实,增强现实,医疗设备,机器人技术,量子计算等。通过哪些方向可以探索提供优质医疗保健治疗和服务的新方向。这些技术的合并确保了身临其境,亲密和个性化的患者护理。它还提供自适应智能解决方案,以消除医疗保健提供者和接收器之间的障碍。本文对医疗保健的荟萃分析提供了全面的综述,强调了最新技术的状态,即采用医疗保健元元的能力技术,潜在的应用程序和相关项目。还确定了用于医疗保健应用的元元改编的问题,并强调了合理的解决方案作为未来研究方向的一部分。
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